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At Greatwood, all children have the opportunity to take part in a range of sports. We ensure that the children are given as many opportunities to try new sports as well as more traditional sports.

We believe that it is important to give our children more responsibility for sport at school. We do this by running the Playmaker and Young Whistler courses each year.

Competition is a key element of our focus for sport and we take part in all local competitions as well as events further afield! Teaching our children how to be good sportsmen and women is also key to our Greatwood sporting values.

We know that our children and their families enjoy sport here at Greatwood, this page is just a small window into the Greatwood sporting opportunities that are on offer.

Our sporting offer is well embedded into daily life here at Greatwood. Children are fully immersed in being physically active at all opportunities. Sports for us is far more than 'a kick about at playtime.' We coach our children in rules of the games and how to show excellent sportsmanship. Our school value of Teamwork shines through in all of the sports that we have on offer.

It is important to us that we enable our children to flourish on the sports field, even down to coaching children how to referee matches. This important skill enables our children to set up and play their own games in a fair manner.